Monday 30 June 2008

Storyteller’s Twisted Tale…

Every night before I rest off to sleep, I was told a beautiful fairy tale or a Maldivian tale; when I was little. The magical touch of the fairy dust from the wand put me to sleep like I’m in heaven. As days passed by, I raised interest in narrating the tales and singing them Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes to my folks. Like wise, I started recording my stories for programs at the National Radio Station when I was a little older. One Friday afternoon I went for the recording; started my story and carried on. When I reached almost the end of the story, the red bulb switched on; which meant that the recording is paused. The recording technician told me to re-think what I was saying. I thought about what I was saying a lot of times and then continued, but each time the red bulb kept switching on. After about ten attempts or more, the technician asked me to continue. I carried on it the end. One week later when it was aired; all my family (mum, cousins and aunties) were laughing and making fun of what I read. It didn’t ring a bell to me then… but long long time after that, when I was in my late teen; it striked to me what I said that day at the studio and how funny it was… then I laughed my head off… I read a story about a little girl, her mother and a tiger that day.

The story goes as follows:
.........Long Long ago… deep down in the forest lives a little girl and her mother. Every day mother goes out for work leaving the girl alone at home. Since they live isolated from the people, they don’t have any neighbours to look after the girl until her mother returns home. And there lived a big tiger in the forest… in a tree just near their home. The tiger is keen to eat the little girl up. So he knocks on the door and waits outside till she opens. But mother has told the girl not to open the door unless it’s her mother. So she doesn’t open the door. She says she won’t open the door; she opens only for her mother. So this tiger thought he must learn her mother’s voice. The tiger knocks on the door and speaks up but the girl is clever that she knew it was not her mother. The same day she told her mother what happened, when she returned from work. Her mother got a very good idea, she told the girl to tell the tiger that come home tomorrow, and she’ll fry up a goat head and keep for him and told the tiger that it tastes wonderful. Tiger is very excited about this fried goat head. Next morning her mother buys a BIG IRON BALL from the market and cooks it till very hot. Mother pretends she has gone for work and gets back in the house without seeing to the tiger. The tiger imitates the mother’s voice and calls to open the door. Then the girl opens the door and the tiger opens his mouth to eat the fried goat head and the mother puts the BIG HOT IRON BALL into the tiger’s mouth and he cries to death…

Umm… well that is the story in short… does anyone want to know what I said that day at the recording…

I said, that the mother cooked a BIG RUBBER BALL and put it in the tiger’s mouth! "Dhen e rabaru Boalha kakkafa tiger ge anga ah lee yo..."Just imagine a rubber ball will melt before it got cooked… and its a joke... I made a big fool out of myself!

But I suppose that’s a good twist to the original story… hehe… *blush* *blush*