was it LUST or LOVE…?
It was the most beautiful days of my life, my high school days. One ordinary afternoon while I was sitting at the front bench right before the lecturer as I always did, a masculine guy walked in. I froze at his glimpse… was speechless! Briefly introducing… he smiled; I was totally lost into his dreamy eyes, muscular figure and manly posture. Maybe it was the most dramatic moment of my life. The air molecules surrounding me stopped its movement. (Well, this is just a little bit too exaggerating but I’m trying to visualize the scene!) I was taken back to the reality after his magical touch, as he shook hands with me. He was the hottest guy I had ever met till then. The whole day, his face was all over my mind. But, I had my heartbroken that I completely forgot his name. Tried to make out what he said. It sounded pretty familiar, yet had no luck recalling it back.
Days went by. This mystery guy was out of my mind once and for all, as I never met him ever after. Well, at least for the moment, that’s what I thought. “Slightly, he managed to fade away from my delusion”.
School’s annual talent show was the next big event upcoming. It was the night of audition, for the play. I was nervous and as cold as a fish. Butterflies were flying freely all over my tummy. I went off to show my talent hoping that I get selected for the role I was auditioning in our Russian play. While I was waiting for my turn to be auditioned my best pal called me for a chat outside the audition room. I went to him. Two other guys were waiting for me with him. The prince charming that I just ended daydreaming about was right in front of my eyes.
To be continued…