It would have occurred in every girl's life that there had been a time she spent with her own little toys and same aged girls. Having tea parties and sleep overs. Showing the real princess she is. There had been plenty of times I had the same. Having our own beauty pageants and winning our crowns over others. They were the most beautiful and most colourful days. No worries just living in an own world. No fear of growing up and facing the different challenges each day. So innocent and carefree. I just wish I still haven't grown up.
But what the crap... its how life is! Looking back the old times makes life more sweeter and memorable... Live life happy!
*still dreaming*
boys hav toys as well.. :) sumtimes lookin back makes life hard. it depends dho. but the point is to live life happily right?
to tell you the truth, almost all of us dream about it
like when we are young, we always wish to grow up
and now, when we are older than before, we wish to go back to the old nuvisnaa dhiriulhevey life of a child
humans! never satisfied with what we have!
i like the last part..live life happy..jeebar jahaa kal ho na ho..like it...cheeeers
ummmmm..... yeah... its same for me too...
i miss my toy guns *sob* i wish i could go back to the mini self that i was..but with the mind that i have now :) i'd be the smartest kid in history eyrun..hehe
yeah. truly said. =)
true...everyone dreams...and wish they cud go back in times, but there are times where i realy feel glad im here and that those days are over :D
@ i-kko: keeeeep on dreaming! ;) hehe..
@ shaf: yeh yea, life is all abt perceptions... hw v percieve things dho...
@ .mini: yeah righty...
@ xefrox: :) cheeeeeeeeeeers!
@ evil pinky: yea, n u were a part of it... remember hw v used to hv all that fun...
@ shan: dat wud b superb! hehe
@ forgiven: :) allllll smilesssssss! hehe...
@ odium: goood for ya! ;)
hapi hapi times indeed....i also remeber tht
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